
Dreamweaver is a web design software also included in Adobe’s amazing Creative Suite of software products. It is used for creating conventional, hand coded web sites. This type of web site is how all sites used to be created before content management systems like Word press, Joomla and Drupal came along. Unlike when working with these three CMSs, designers have pixel perfect control over every element on a web page and are not limited by a template of any kind as they basically create their own template as they design.

Conventional web sites are a lot more work, take longer to develop and require designers to have mastered both the HTML and CSS programming languages. Dreamweaver makes this complex undertaking much easier and even comes with sophisticated tools built in that help designers develop and test dynamic web sites. The three simple web sites below were created using the Dreamweaver software.

Learn to Use Color ↦ Visit live site

Learning is Fun! ↦ Visit live site

Teena’s Cakes ↦ Visit live site

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